Confidence in Learning
Balance bikes are simple to use. Your toddler will quickly grasp the concept of walking with the bike between their legs, and immediately feel a sense of accomplishment. Progress comes quickly as they lengthen their steps and increase their speed. Meanwhile you can feel confident that they have the right bike to keep them safe and steady.
Confidence in Value
Parents deserve to feel confident too. Confident that you've made a smart purchase and left extra dollars in your account for that upcoming family vacation, while also being confident that you've given your kid the best start in learning to ride a bike.
Confidence in Safety
Unlike learning to ride a bike with training wheels, kids learn to balance first. This greatly reduces the risk of injury as they can safely plant their feet anytime they feel unbalanced. Kids who learn with training wheels often experience anxiety and several crashes and as they try to stay upright once the training wheels are gone. You probably have some painful memories of this yourself, right?
Confidence in Durability
You want to feel confident that the balance bike you purchase will withstand the rigors of helping your child learn to ride. That's why we offer one of the best warranties in the industry. If you encounter any defects on your balance bike within two years of purchase, we'll do whatever it takes to get your child back on a working bike.